ライス大学の学生は勉強に熱心です。そんな中このクラスの学生たちはダジャレが大好きで、このサイトの名前を考える時も色々な意見が出ました。「Rice Nippon Recipe」「RIJ (Recipe in Japanese)」「ライキッチン」「フード」「ライス大学のライス!」「ライスのライス!」「ご飯大学のご飯」「すばらしいクッキング」「おいしいクッキング」「Jcooking」などです。もうお気づきかもしれませんが、ライスというのは創立者のライスさんの名字でご飯のライスと同じなんです。日本の肉じゃがのレシピを元に私が提案した「ニック・ジャガー」は残念ながら選ばれませんでしたが、学生の投票で「食語(しょくご、つまりは食事に関係する言葉)だよ~ん」という名前、そしてURLには「文章」と「食事」をかけた「文食だよ~ん」に選ばれました。本当にクリエイティブですね。


Students at Rice University are known for their enthusiasm for their studies; however, the students in this class loooooove puns and came up with some creative names for this site. “Rice Nippon (= Japan) Recipe”, “RIJ (Recipe in Japanese) = sounds like Rice in Japan that was postponed to next year”, “Ri-Kitchen”, “Fuudo (= ‘food’ transliterated from English to Japanese)”, “Rice of Rice University”, “Rice of Rice”, “Gohan (rice) of Gohan University”, “Wonderful cooking”, “Delicious Cooking”, and “JCooking”. Rice (gohan) is a significant part of the everyday meal in Japan, and the same word gohan is also means “meals”. I suggested “Nick Jagger” which sounds just like a traditional Japanese dish niku-jaga but students didn’t vote for it. They casted votes and chose SHOKUGO which is a made-up word which means “food language”. They also chose the URL that you see here, BUNSHOKU which is also a made-up word combining bunshoo (sentences) and shokuji (meals). Very creative!

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