Simmered Taro with Scallion

This is my mom’s own recipe of the simmered taro. My mom used to make the dish a lot for me back in Shanghai and I love the sweet taste of the slightly caramelized taros. Although I usually could not finish a whole bowl of rice when I was in primary school, I would have one and a half bowls of rice when my mom made the simmered taro with scallion. It has been an important childhood memory for me. It is also a great representation of Shanghainese homemade dish because the sweetness and the fact that it is a great rice companion. 


  1. Taro 500g (round, size of pigeon egg)
  2. Scallion 25g (cut into small pieces
  3. Light Soy Sause 1 tablespoon 
  4. Dark Soy Sause 2 tablespoon
  5. Sugar 1 tablespoon 


  1. Wash and peel the Taro (larger pieces need to be cut into size of pigeon egg) and put the taro onto a plate into a steamer. Steam the taros for 20 minutes. 
  2. Take out the steamed taro and drain the water. Keep the remaining liquid in the plate.
  3. Add vegetable oil in the frying pan and heat the pan with high temperature. Add Sc
    allion in the pan after heating the pan. When the scallion generates aroma, add taros in the pan. Stir-fry the ingr
    edients until the taro is slightly caramelized.
  4. Continue Stir-frying when adding a spoon of sugar and a spoon of soy Sause. Afterwards add the remaining liquid in the steamed plate. 
  5. Let the pan continue to simmer until the liquid become viscus sauce. Finally put the cooked taro into a plate with the sauce.



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